Monday, November 19, 2012

Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriends

One more reason to support gay marriage: gay men will marry your girlfriends. And I believe I speak for all women when I say that we all enjoy a motherfucking quiche. You have been warned.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Barack the Vote

Tomorrow is election day! To put you in the mood, I would like to direct you to this letter from President Obama in response to a 10 year old girl's letter about being bullied because she has two dads:

And I swoon.

Don't forget to vote tomorrow!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Girls on Film

It's all fun and games until you find out that your new friend once starred in gay porn.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Yesterday, we traveled to Austin to see Pentatonix, as per the Roommate's request. He's a choir director and loves everything and anything that has to do with music and I am always down for a trip to Austin. So we went and mostly survived the trip (I got hungry towards the end of the drive, and that's never good for anyone in the vicinity). I knew next to nothing about Pentatonix other than what the Roommate had told me, which was that they were an acapella group and they were amazing.

It turns out they're an acapella group and they're amazing. They're also comprised of two amazing gay men, a baritone and a tenor. Mitch Grassi is one of the new loves of my life. I would like to be put on the list of his Queer Dears, I'm just saying. He is adorable and reminded me of a grown up version of Sassy Pants from "School of Rock." Love love love him. Every time he opened his mouth to speak, I grabbed the Roommate's shoulder and swooned with the love that only a Queer Dear can understand.

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Odd Couple

I'm living with a boy.

There are certain things to be expected when living with a boy. No matter how much he says he's cleaned the bathroom, there are still beard hairs on the sink. Anytime you say, "does this smell weird to you?" his answer will always be "it smells fine!" And when it's Saturday and you ask what he wants for dinner, he'll look at you incredulously and say, "it's's grilling day."

So  far things have worked themselves out well. I shower at night and he showers in the morning, so bathroom time isn't an issue. He helped me move in all of my heavy furniture, including a couch that once belonged to my parents and is now part of the house, as he says he'll die before having to Tetris it back down the skinny hallway.

When we discussed my moving in to his house, he said that I would have the two back rooms, one as a bedroom and one as a living room (where my TV, couch, and coffee table went). They were boring neutral colors, so we set upon painting them. The living room is orange (as in Halloween, not burnt, ew) and my bedroom is a deep purple. While we were painting, we discovered that each room in the house is a different color of the rainbow:

Red is the sunroom/dog room,
Orange is my den area,
Yellow is his bedroom,
Green is the kitchen,
Blue is the living room,
Purple is my bedroom.

Of course, I managed to move into the Rainbow House.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

As seen on Lifetime.

Sometimes life gets in the way of blogging. Like when your best friend goes through a rough break up and you have to be available at all times for needed Ben and Jerry's support. Especially when his ex's life could be made into a Lifetime movie.

It's difficult enough being a teacher these days, what with the increasing emphasis on teachers being judged based on their students' standardized test scores and the lack of salary growth in the career. It's even worse when you have teachers that have inappropriate relationships with their students.

In this case, said student had graduated in May (three months ago) and was 18. But guess what? IT'S STILL WRONG. If you are an adult and you hang out with teenagers for fun, then you need to look at your life, look at your choices. It also ruined several relationships and, more importantly, sleep cycles. 

I will be the first to say that I hate when people expect that just because you belong to a certain group, you have expectations and roles you have to fill. As Natalie Portman so eloquently put it, I never said I was a role model. But I'm sorry gays (and teachers, and gay teachers), you have a responsibility to not be a creeper. When you have groups that honestly believe that homosexuals are more likely to be child molesters, then you need to oh, I don't know, not take your 18 year old former students on vacation, just the two of you. That is suspicious and saying that you're just friends does not make it sound better, because I am around teenagers all day long at school and trust me, there is nothing about them that would make me want to hang out with them socially. A teacher I worked with last year took a student to the Renaissance Festival last year, and while I cannot fault her for the choice of venue because that place is awesome, it's not okay and she abruptly quit two weeks later. I wonder why. 

Break ups are hard, no matter what the reason is. In this case, it was a long and horrendous process that took all summer and ended with a severing of lives and separation of houses. It hasn't been an easy process and it has been hard on everyone involved. Luckily, it's all pretty much settled. He's just ready to move on, and I am, too. I wasn't sure how many late night phone calls I could take.

On a more positive note, this whole experience means that I have a new wonderful roommate! More shenanigans and Will and Grace comparisons to follow!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I'm giving a new definition to the word because it is SO HOT OUTSIDE I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. I drove around town today with my air conditioner on super major frostbite and listened to Christmas cds to try to convince my body to stop sweating but it DIDN'T WORK. It is too hot to be sassy. I spend my days on pinterest looking up pumpkin recipes and daydreaming about autumn, which in Texas means temperatures of 70 degrees.

I'm sure some people have been doing fabulous and gay things, but I'm too busy fainting from heat stroke to notice.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chicken Chow Down

Who ever thought that a delicious chicken sandwich and waffle fries would cause such a stir?

The Cathy Family, including S. Truett, the founder of Chick-Fil-A, and his son Dan, the current president, have never made their Christian views a secret. Chick-Fil-A is closed on Sunday to allow their employees to worship and their kids' meals come with religious coloring books. The company has a history of philanthropy towards "Focus on the Family" type groups and other Christian (anti-LGBT) groups, from donating food to donating money.

However, recently Dan Cathy has made the transition from silent bigot to active homophobe when he voiced his opposition to same-sex marriage in an interview:

Some have opposed the company's support of the traditional family. "Well, guilty as charged," said Cathy when asked about the company's position.

"We are very much supportive of the family -- the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.

"We operate as a family business ... our restaurants are typically led by families; some are single. We want to do anything we possibly can to strengthen families. We are very much committed to that," Cathy emphasized.

"We intend to stay the course," he said. "We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles."

Now comes the firefight. Many people voiced their incredulity to Chick-Fil-A's vocal stance and have voiced their disapproval. The mayors of several large cities, including Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco,  have stated that they will not allow Chick-Fil-A's to be build in their cities to further spread their message of hate. The Jim Henson Company has stated that their Muppets will no longer be fans of waffle fries and that the profits they have gotten from Chick-Fil-A will be donated to GLAAD.

On the flipside, there are arguments that Dan Cathy was simply exercising his first amendment right to free speech and that he has to right to believe any way he wants. There is also a "Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day" planned by Mike Huckabee, in which conservatives nationwide showed up under the guise of protecting their first amendment rights. By eating a chicken sandwich. Really?

I love a first amendment. Really, I do. But when your first amendment right is being used to take away the rights of others, don't you think that's a little bit hypocritical? Let's stop and think about it for a minute.

Everyone has the right to their opinion and religious belief, but when your religious belief starts manipulating government policy, then we have a problem. Not allowing gays to get married is WRONG, plain and simple. I'm not talking about a religious or moral standing, I'm talking about civil rights. Prejudice against homosexuals is wrong, just as prejudice against women and African-Americans was deemed wrong in our shockingly recent history. Stop kidding yourself about standing up for first amendment rights. Hi, you're a bigot.

My best friend and I ate at Popeyes on Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day. Not only did they have red beans and rice and biscuits that tasted like they were sent directly from heaven, I didn't have to worry about my money going to groups that will attempt to pray the gay out of someone.

It's really too bad that Chick-Fil-A just tastes so damn good. I have to settle for making copycat recipes from pinterest and watching this video. Somehow drag queens just make everything okay.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Milk and Cookies

For Pride Week, Oreo released a photo of a fake cookie with six colored layers with the word "Pride" next to it. As with everything else in the gay world lately, it elicited both positive and negative reactions from people.


I personally don't see what the hubbub is about. With this cookie, everyone is a winner. It is a truth universally accepted that the Oreo cream is the best part of the cookie. Six layers of filling? My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Summertime and the living is easy

Just in time for Pride Week, there's an update!

I've been busy with a musical (as Guinevere in "Camelot", thank you!) and there have not been that many events in my gay world, other than my recent "Sex and the City" marathon. At least none that I feel comfortable blogging about.

A few of my friends are going through difficult times, and it's hard to be the bystander. I hate to see my friends in pain and it's very hard to know that there's nothing I can do to help. I just stand by with a bottle of vodka and a pint of ice cream.

In happier news, I have a boyfriend that I'm pretty sure is straight (though, embarrassingly enough, he has appeared in this blog before). But let's be honest, anyone I date is going to need to be a little gay and very gay friendly. That was tested out this past weekend when our local community theater needed to take pictures for next season's promotional material. He was asked to be in the picture for Leading Ladies, in which two straight men pose as long lost relatives to get an ailing older woman's inheritance, only to discover that the relatives are women. So of course, the picture needed some "classy drag." We are nothing if not classy.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Political breakdown

President Obama made American history last week by speaking out in favor of gay marriage, saying that he felt that gay and lesbian Americans should be treated equally and fairly and should be able to get married.

This is the first time that a sitting American president has spoken in favor of gay marriage, though in reference to the rest of the world, America is a little behind the times. Here is a list of countries and the year that gay marriage laws were passed:

Argentina – 2010
Belgium – 2003
Brazil – 2011
Canada – 2005
Iceland – 2010
Netherlands – 2001
Norway – 2008
Portugal – 2010
South Africa – 2006
Spain – 2005
Sweden – 2009

Three words that will save the US economy -- gay wedding registry.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

All that glitters

Sometimes you have to beware of gays bearing gifts. I learned this the hard way.

A friend came to visit me and brought a present along with his gossip and opinions of everything I was wearing. He had a tube of his new favorite lotion that he bestowed upon me with the advice that I simply MUST use this, that it has absolutely CHANGED HIS LIFE.

So I slathered it on copiously. I bathed in this stuff, because who doesn't want soft skin? No one wants to start a fire when their limbs rub together.

I then went upon the activities of my day, which consisted mostly of laying on the couch and reading in the air conditioning, because the Texas heat is already starting to frizz my hair something fierce. Because of this, I had forgotten about my liberal application of the magic lotion.

When I eventually emerged from my cave, I was immediately blinded. I looked around for the offender and was surprised to find that the sun was glinting off my skin like a Twilight vampire.

 It turns out the lotion was full on glitter lotion. I looked like a disco ball. I looked like a float in a Pride Parade.

It was awesome.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Edward Scissorhands

I have discovered that not all gay men are cut out to be hair stylists.

My best friend is a high school choir director and has been working feverishly on his show choir's spring show. It's all girls so it's a very diva-tastic affair, complete with wigs and dresses and pageantry.

Last week, he called and told me that he needed help styling a wig. When he came over, he told me that he had a long haired wig that needed to be transformed into a Thoroughly Modern Millie style bob. The way I was helping was to wear the wig on my head while he chopped it up. So I did the dutiful friend thing and tucked my hair under the wig while he cut.

He had the wig looking pretty good, at least by what I could see in the porch window of the balcony. The wig was the same color as my hair, so it was fun to see me with short hair and bangs.

Yes. Bangs.

When he was done, I went into the bathroom to inspect it in a real mirror and the bangs section was looking kind of strange so I leaned in closer to the mirror and OH MY GOD THAT IS MY REAL HAIR.

In the quest for wig bangs and in his vigorous brushing of the wig, a portion of my real bangs somehow escaped the confine of the wig cap and got sliced off. There is now a quarter of my bangs that are shorter than the rest. Luckily they're easily hidden in the underbrush and are off to the side. And luckily my friend couldn't hear the obscenities I yelled at him over the sound of his laughter. He was very amused with the situation.

At least the wig looks good.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


My gay world has been embarrassingly quiet as of late. I've been neglecting my poor blog!

In all honesty, the end of the school year is near and I'm holding on for dear life. This has been a loooong year. Spring fever has definitely hit with a vengeance.

One of my dear friends recently got a boyfriend, so that's boring. I mean, it's exciting for him, but to me all it means is that I am booted from being his plus-one at an upcoming lesbian wedding, and for that I am pissed.

I'm currently in my community theater's production of "Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street" and am discovering what a sadistic queen Sondheim is. That man has something against sopranos. High D, bitch say whaaaat?

And, to be even more honest, I've been spending a lot of time with a straight guy! Finally, someone who is not repulsed or amused by ladyparts. This is no longer happening:

It's a nice change.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Boy Paradox.

It's funny because it's true.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hello, good-bi.

Does bisexuality exist? It depends on who you ask, I suppose.

I don't know anyone who has claimed to be bisexual that did not later turn towards one specific gender or the other. In my experience, bisexuality is a pitstop on the way to Gaytown. But others might disagree -- particularly those who identify as bisexual.

An acquaintance of mine, one who would make a blind and deaf person say "goddamn, that kid is gay", has recently been spending an awful lot of time becoming chummy with a girl. "Oh, that's just his queer dead," we all thought. But at a party last weekend, said girl referred to him as her boyfriend, and not in a platonic way. In a "we are having sex" kind of way.

Say whaaaaat?

He has gone on the record as saying that he simply "doesn't see gender," which is a load of bullshit. There's no choice but to see gender. But is it possible for a gay man to compromise his sexuality in the face of loneliness? We do live in a small town in south Texas, so maybe he is just seeking any companionship in any sense. Some very famous gay men have been married and loved women while seeking out dalliances with men -- Cole Porter, Oscar Wilde, Moss Hart, Vita Sackville-West, to name a few. Most of these people lived during times when homosexuality was severely persecuted.

So does bisexuality exist? Is it possible to be equally attracted to both genders, or does everyone truly have a preference but will settle for society's norms or whatever is available? The world may never know. And if it makes the people happy, it's none of the world's business.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


California's Proposition 8, a voter-approved ban on gay marriage in the state of California, has been declared unconstitutional, according to a federal appeals court.

The case will probably be appealed to the Supreme Court, but given that this is the second time that it has been declared unconstitutional. The court today stated that the law "served no purpose, and had no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California, and to officially reclassify their relationship and families as inferior to those of opposite-sex couples." Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was the point of the proposition, and I'm glad that the ridiculousness of Prop 8 is being acknowledged.

There is absolutely no legal reason to deny gays and lesbians the same rights as heterosexual Americans. There aren't separate constitutions.

Conservatives, stop trying to make hate happen. It's not going to happen.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Benefits for Friends

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

It is also a truth universally acknowledged that a single gay is in want of a hook-up.

I got a text from a friend last night, asking if a fabulous friend of mine would be interested in a date/hook-up with her new gay roommate.

The tv show Happy Endings has concisely and hilariously identified gaycism, the theory that people automatically think that any gay people are compatible with each other based solely on the fact that they are gay. I knew that some people truly believed this, but this was my first experience with a gaycist. She didn't even know my friend's name, much less anything about him that would lead her to think that he would be a good match for her roommate. She also assumed that he would be up for a random hook-up just on the basis of his homosexuality.

Resist the prejudice of gaycism. Look past the perfectly highlighted hair and moisturized hands and see the person behind the gay face. Remember, gays are people, too.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Girl Power.

When I was in elementary school, I was in Girl Scouts. But let's be honest, I was really just in it for the cookies. There is nothing so bad that a Thin Mint or a Samoa cookie won't fix.

The Girl Scout organization has been in the news recently due to the inclusion of a 7 year old transgendered child in a troupe in Colorado. This is a 7 year old boy named Bobby who is living as a girl, and the Girl Scout troupe accepts him as such.

Unfortunately, a teenaged girl in California has a problem with this and has made a video asking people to protest the Girl Scouts by refusing to buy Girl Scout cookies until the transgendered child is removed from the organization.

As if I needed anymore incentive to buy twelve boxes of Thin Mints this cookie season, this girl has given me another one.

The Girl Scouts stance has been one of inclusion and classiness during this process; a spokeswoman has said, "For 100 years, Girl Scouts has prided itself on being an inclusive organization serving girls from all walks of life. We handle cases involving transgender children on a case-by-case basis, with a focus on ensuring the welfare and best interests of the child in question and the other girls in the troop as our highest priority. If a child identifies as a girl and the child's family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout."

Stay classy, Girl Scouts. And keep supplying me with my Samoas fix.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Say Whaaaat?!

The new youtube sensation, apparently, is a series of videos describing what one stereotypical group says to another. Some of them are hilariously and scarily accurate.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Who's the Gayest of them All?

CNN recently had an article reporting on a survey performed by The Advocate magazine that sought to find the gayest city in America. The answer was not as obvious as you'd think.

They sought to look outside the obvious choices like San Francisco, New York City, or Miami. I thought Austin would be ranked high on the list, but perhaps I'm biased because I'm from Texas and one of my favorite gays lives there.

The number one ranked city was Salt Lake City, Utah.


One does not think of Salt Lake City as being bustling with homosexual support. I don't know about you, but when I think of Utah, I think of Mormons, who are not exactly known for their love of all things fabulous. While the survey wasn't exactly scientific (the criteria included "the number of gay and lesbian bookstores, elected officials who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, and some edgier metrics like the number of International Mr. Leather competition semifinalists and the presence of nude yoga classes"), the results are still surprising.

But I wouldn't plan your Orbitz vacation around this survey: many of the places listed are still overwhelmingly conservative areas, like Utah and Little Rock, Arkansas. If you have to choose one of these cities, my money would be on Orlando, Florida, which ranked number 2. Disney World is truly the happiest and most fabulous place on earth.

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year, New You

I'm finally getting back in the swing of things after my lovely two week vacation. I love vacation and it takes me a long time to move past my depression when it's over. So much so that I had to take a sick day from work on Friday. Cough, cough.

Not a lot has happened over the past few weeks in my corner of the world:

I moved into a new apartment.

I discovered a leave-in conditioner that is apparently made of magic. My hair is so soft it feels like it's made of kittens.

My liver somehow survived the many holiday parties thrown and many bottles of wine consumed (seriously, I'm pretty sure my new neighbors think I'm an alcoholic).

I had a lot of great times with great friends, and even some bad times with great friends. It was touch and go for a while, but we all got through it mildly unscathed.

And I ate my weight in Christmas cookies. Paula Deen's white chocolate coconut cookies and Giada De Laurentiis's holiday biscotti are my life now.

To negate the Christmas cookie bulge, I made the usual New Year's resolutions to lose weight and be healthier and blah blah blah, which really has only manifested in looking up healthy recipes on Pinterest, which is my new obsession. Only I block all of my friends' wedding dreams boards, because there are only so many pictures of lace wedding dresses and engagement photo scenarios a girl can take, you know?

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