Friday, January 20, 2012

Benefits for Friends

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

It is also a truth universally acknowledged that a single gay is in want of a hook-up.

I got a text from a friend last night, asking if a fabulous friend of mine would be interested in a date/hook-up with her new gay roommate.

The tv show Happy Endings has concisely and hilariously identified gaycism, the theory that people automatically think that any gay people are compatible with each other based solely on the fact that they are gay. I knew that some people truly believed this, but this was my first experience with a gaycist. She didn't even know my friend's name, much less anything about him that would lead her to think that he would be a good match for her roommate. She also assumed that he would be up for a random hook-up just on the basis of his homosexuality.

Resist the prejudice of gaycism. Look past the perfectly highlighted hair and moisturized hands and see the person behind the gay face. Remember, gays are people, too.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Girl Power.

When I was in elementary school, I was in Girl Scouts. But let's be honest, I was really just in it for the cookies. There is nothing so bad that a Thin Mint or a Samoa cookie won't fix.

The Girl Scout organization has been in the news recently due to the inclusion of a 7 year old transgendered child in a troupe in Colorado. This is a 7 year old boy named Bobby who is living as a girl, and the Girl Scout troupe accepts him as such.

Unfortunately, a teenaged girl in California has a problem with this and has made a video asking people to protest the Girl Scouts by refusing to buy Girl Scout cookies until the transgendered child is removed from the organization.

As if I needed anymore incentive to buy twelve boxes of Thin Mints this cookie season, this girl has given me another one.

The Girl Scouts stance has been one of inclusion and classiness during this process; a spokeswoman has said, "For 100 years, Girl Scouts has prided itself on being an inclusive organization serving girls from all walks of life. We handle cases involving transgender children on a case-by-case basis, with a focus on ensuring the welfare and best interests of the child in question and the other girls in the troop as our highest priority. If a child identifies as a girl and the child's family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout."

Stay classy, Girl Scouts. And keep supplying me with my Samoas fix.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Say Whaaaat?!

The new youtube sensation, apparently, is a series of videos describing what one stereotypical group says to another. Some of them are hilariously and scarily accurate.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Who's the Gayest of them All?

CNN recently had an article reporting on a survey performed by The Advocate magazine that sought to find the gayest city in America. The answer was not as obvious as you'd think.

They sought to look outside the obvious choices like San Francisco, New York City, or Miami. I thought Austin would be ranked high on the list, but perhaps I'm biased because I'm from Texas and one of my favorite gays lives there.

The number one ranked city was Salt Lake City, Utah.


One does not think of Salt Lake City as being bustling with homosexual support. I don't know about you, but when I think of Utah, I think of Mormons, who are not exactly known for their love of all things fabulous. While the survey wasn't exactly scientific (the criteria included "the number of gay and lesbian bookstores, elected officials who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, and some edgier metrics like the number of International Mr. Leather competition semifinalists and the presence of nude yoga classes"), the results are still surprising.

But I wouldn't plan your Orbitz vacation around this survey: many of the places listed are still overwhelmingly conservative areas, like Utah and Little Rock, Arkansas. If you have to choose one of these cities, my money would be on Orlando, Florida, which ranked number 2. Disney World is truly the happiest and most fabulous place on earth.

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year, New You

I'm finally getting back in the swing of things after my lovely two week vacation. I love vacation and it takes me a long time to move past my depression when it's over. So much so that I had to take a sick day from work on Friday. Cough, cough.

Not a lot has happened over the past few weeks in my corner of the world:

I moved into a new apartment.

I discovered a leave-in conditioner that is apparently made of magic. My hair is so soft it feels like it's made of kittens.

My liver somehow survived the many holiday parties thrown and many bottles of wine consumed (seriously, I'm pretty sure my new neighbors think I'm an alcoholic).

I had a lot of great times with great friends, and even some bad times with great friends. It was touch and go for a while, but we all got through it mildly unscathed.

And I ate my weight in Christmas cookies. Paula Deen's white chocolate coconut cookies and Giada De Laurentiis's holiday biscotti are my life now.

To negate the Christmas cookie bulge, I made the usual New Year's resolutions to lose weight and be healthier and blah blah blah, which really has only manifested in looking up healthy recipes on Pinterest, which is my new obsession. Only I block all of my friends' wedding dreams boards, because there are only so many pictures of lace wedding dresses and engagement photo scenarios a girl can take, you know?

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