Sunday, February 27, 2011

What, what, what are you doing?!

There are a few fun things about being an English teacher. School vacations, for one thing. I'm a big fan of summer vacation.

One of the other fun things is teaching my students Shakespeare. At first they grumble and moan and whine and are about one grocery aisle away from throwing themselves on the floor and kicking their feet and screaming. But inevitably, as we read the plays (or, as they read the words and I interpret them into English that they will understand), they begin to understand the characters and realize that the themes that were relevant 400 years ago are still relevant today.

Some things aren't as relevant, however. For example, my freshman kids read Romeo and Juliet. And every year I hear the same thing:
"Didn't they just meet? Why are they getting married already?"
"Didn't you say Juliet is 13? Ewwwwwwwww, and she's getting married!?"
"Is Romeo/Juliet hot?"
"Um, why are they killing themselves?"
"This is gay."

My sophomore class reads Othello. From them, I get:
"Why is Iago such an asshole?"
"Why does Desdemona do whatever her husband says?"
"Why doesn't Othello just talk to Desdemona instead of killing her?"
"What does 'make the beast with two backs' mean?"
"Is Desdemona/Othello hot?"
"This is gay."

And my seniors read Hamlet. Their pearls of wisdom are:
"Can't you just give me a 70 and not make me read this?"
"This is gay."

So imagine my delight when I found The Second City videos of the Sassy Gay Friend. Finally! Someone to tell all of the Shakespeare heroines that they are a stupid bitch.

I love these videos because they are what every reader wishes they can do when they're reading Shakespeare tragedies. Someone desperately needs to take these ladies out for drinks and therapy and maybe a nice spa day.

They've also given my friends and me plenty of one liners to pop at one another. Look at your life, look at your choices.

Romeo and Juliet



Thursday, February 24, 2011

I can hear the bells....

President Obama has instructed the Justice Department to "stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act", the act that bars recognition of same-sex marriages, in the court system. They are considering it discriminatory and unconstitutional.

It is a huge step towards equality under the law. Obama currently supports civil unions but says that his views are evolving.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Singles Awareness Day

Valentine's Day happened. I overdosed on cakeballs.

That pretty much sums up that day.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, Talent.

If you are anything like me, you have been completely ensconced in the world of RuPaul's Drag Race.

I love this show. Love. It. It's a reality competition show to find the next "drag superstar." I became obsessed during season 2, and I am still outraged by the injustice of the finale (Tyra over Jujubee? Bitch, please). I love watching the transformations that makeup, costumes, and the proper application of Saran Wrap can achieve. Drag truly is an artform, and I enjoy watching masters of the craft in action. Anytime people are expressing themselves and are creative, I am happy, especially if they're really good and full of drama (shout-out to Raven and her gloooorious attitude and Tatianna fighting with everyone). Plus, they were all pretty, in and out of makeup.

That season also introduced me to the wonder that is Pandora Boxx, and for that I will always be grateful.

So I was very excited for the third season. It's been on for three weeks now so of course I have my favorites.

1. Raja
Raja is the oldest contestant and has been doing drag for twenty years. You may recognize her out of drag as Sutan, the makeup artist from America's Next Top Model (at least, I did). In his audition video, it was also revealed that he's friends with Adam Lambert, so, you know. He's already a winner. Raja won both of the challenges in the first episode and if she doesn't make it to the finals, I will eat my hat.

2. Shangela Laquifa Wadley
I loved Shangela during the one episode she was on in Season 2! She was the first one eliminated in Season 2, after having admitted that she'd only been doing drag for a year or so. She was the "wildcard" contestant who was brought in during the first episode. Draaaaama. But Shangela is sweet and fabulous and hilarious and I love her. Hallelu!

3. Delta Work
There are a few big girls on this season, but my favorite is Delta Work. She's very low-key, which I find refreshing, and is very well-spoken in her interviews. I don't know how much longer she'll be around, because her outfits for the final runway are always a bit uninspired, but I like her.

4. Manila Luzon
Every time the camera catches Manila, she's making some sort of awkward face and I love it. Also, in the space challenge, she was hysterical. She's dating Sahara Davenport from Season 2, but she's doing well on her own.

5. Carmen Carrera
Carmen is always naked. Always.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Lesson in Priorities.

As I was waiting for dinner to begin, my phone rang.

I reluctantly pressed the answer button, managing to not take my eyes off the food.

It was someone talking about some foolishness or another. I honestly can't tell you because all I could hear was the sound of steak and baked potato telling me about how delicious they were.

I called him back a few hours later.

"What exactly was it that you wanted? I'm going to be honest, I wasn't listening to you earlier."

"What!? You weren't listening to me?!"

"Of course not! I was preoccupied with monitoring the steak for doneness so I could eat the crap out of it."

"Oh, I see. Given the choice between me and food, you'd choose food."

"Well.....if given the choice, I'd prefer to have food with you, but since the food was here and you were not.......yeah, I have to side with food on this one."

Priorities. I have them.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snowed In




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