.........excuse me for a minute.
Let's just take a moment to talk about the INCREDIBLY unprofessional aspect of the story. The assistant attorney general, Andrew Shirvell, is attacking a college student. He is drawing Perez Hilton-esque rainbow flags and swastikas on the student's pictures. He is attacking him on a public forum. And, by watching the video interview with Anderson Cooper, Shirvell is insecure -- his eyes don't meet the camera, he stutters, he namecalls. He calls the student "Satan's representative." He's a 40-something year old cyberbully.
On the gay issue -- the college student is Chris Armstrong, the president of the student assembly at the University of Michigan. Shirvell is accusing Armstrong of being a "radical homosexual activist" who is advancing his "gay agenda."
The agenda in question? "Armstrong has supported gender-neutral housing at the university for transgender students who haven't had sexual reassignment surgery." However, Shirvell's blog attacks Armstrong for "going back on a campaign promise he made to minority students; engaging in "flagrant sexual promiscuity" with another male member of the student government; sexually seducing and influencing "a previously conservative [male] student" so much so that the student, according to Shirvell, "morphed into a proponent of the radical homosexual agenda;" hosting a gay orgy in his dorm room in October 2009; and trying to recruit incoming first year students "to join the homosexual 'lifestyle.' ""
Andrew Shirvell? Go fuck yourself.
QD, you make my day.
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